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Academic writing, Argumentative writing Jessica Parker Academic writing, Argumentative writing Jessica Parker

How to Develop a Counterargument

Counterarguments enhance the credibility of your argument by demonstrating you understand the position of other researchers in your field. Thus, counterarguments are a critical component of an academic argument. But how exactly do you go about doing this? In this bog post, I’ll offer a step-by-step guide on how to develop an effective counterargument for any academic paper.

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Argumentative writing, Academic writing Jessica Parker Argumentative writing, Academic writing Jessica Parker

What is an Argument, and How do I Make One?

Arguments play a key role in academic writing. Academic arguments consist of a claim, also called a thesis statement, followed by logical reasoning and evidence to support the claim. You may be surprised to learn that counterarguments and objections also play a key role in academic writing. They contribute to your argument’s persuasiveness and bolster your credibility as a researcher by showing your awareness of the issues and your ability to address differing viewpoints.

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